Boring topic but still can related to my current life condition. Actually aku memang minat part part Psychology nih. Since Uni kot, if I'm not mistaken 3rd sem ada Psychology subject. Plus lecturer best and I got A kot. Bukan senang nak dapat A! That's why lah aku appreciate. HAHA.
Back to the topic, amende RP ni kan?
" Reverse psychology: a persuasion technique involving the false advocacy
of a belief or behavior contrary to the belief or behavior which is
actually being advocated. This technique relies on the psychological
phenomenon of reactance, in which a person has a negative emotional
response in reaction to being persuaded, and thus chooses the option
which is being advocated against. "
Maksudnya something yang takboleh do in direct way, kena pusingpusing. Selalunya Marketer selalu guna formula ni. Simple example ; Aku nak mintak mak aku RM 500 untuk beli baju, mak aku tak bagi, then aku cakaplah bagus baju tu, boleh nampak aku kurus & boleh tahan 8 tahun. Nampak macam nonsense tapi if mak aku percaya then RP aku berjaya lah kan :)
So, macamane connection between my life and this RP was, aku stress sangat kat office. Hari hari bangun pagi ada feel malas sangat, nak MC lah but my RP was breakfast. Yeah, sebab ada satu makcik tu jual breakfast yang sangat umphh! So I motivated my self by "Pergilah kerja, nanti boleh beli kuey tiaw and karipap Makcik tu".
It's WORK!
It's also a motivation. Percaya atau tidak, sekarang aku jarang makan malam. Bukan sebab nak diet (grrrr) but bila dah balik, malas nak masak, malas nak tapau, malas segalagalanya lah! So the motivation was same, " tahanlah perut, esok kita makan breakfast Makcik tu ye " :)
Funny right, psychology sometimes we can predict but we can't control (AinKahar, 2014)
See ya later. XOXO