Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Bad Day


Been a while, back to busy bee queen. Start workin back, temporary maybe. Nice place, nice people, nice environment and the biggest bonus is nice bosses. Not to say that my previous boss is not nice, but maybe I'm the one who not hardcore enough to worked with him. But after all, I is bersyukur dengan ape yang diberi. Alhamdulillah.

Bad day-but not really the worst bad day. But still tertumpah airmate duyung mak. I've been thru the worst bad day ever before, so this small things/problem doesn't touch me too much. Everytime am facing small difficulties, I'll throwback my past so that I know if I can go thru the hard time, why not this time.

I'm not that kind person who compare their life to others, to say that they got the bigger probs, they the only person in this world who facing difficulties yada yada. Like hellooo, bukak sikit mata besarbesar boleh, lain orang lain problem. Lain orang lain penyelesaian. Kononkonon nak bagitau the whole world kau lah satusatunya manusia paling though facing all kind of probs. Bullshit man!

See dah melalut lalut.

Cry is the best cure for any situation thou. Happy moment, sad, confused etc, cry can make you calm even the problem haven't solve yet - Ain, 2015.

May I be the stronger person my self ever met! Aminn.

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