Sunday, March 29, 2009

setelah lama....

around 20 hari aku tak post new entry..


3 in 1.. mggu 1st mmg tak sempat post pape entry coz exam week..mmg tension.rabak kepale ni.dll... mggu ke2 school out..13hb 830pm trus gerak ke kl..

de peristiwa sbelum aku naik bus..jejantas runtuh..bla..bla..malas mau ulas..around 1220am aku smpi pudu then tggu sis yg naek bus gak mlm 2 dr penang..115am kot die bru smpai..yg pastinye aku tggu die agak lame hingga kematu ass ini...then twus g golf club seri selangor kt damansara..tlg2 mama c kepoh..hias2 pelamin..dewan 2 da r sejuk gler..

perut agak lapar..around 5am bru settle..then balik gombak..mndi then ready ntok mlayarkn bahtera mata tbe2 mama c kepoh ajak teman g pasar..around 640am...around 8am bru tdo...

ptg kul 5 sesi kemas dewan..smpai nk patah kaki puas ati..

tutup cite tuh. cte diz week lak..mggu yg tension bg aku..

xtau npe..assgment btimbun.. ckgu-ckgi mbebel2..arghh tension..smalam aku,qila,zae,azie,oya n nurul settle kn claz..buruk camam tongkang karam..xtaw r pe suwey diz year..wt cket2 alhamdulillah aku puas ati dgn pe yg ktorg wt smlm..

mlm td earth hour tp uma aku terang antara yg paling terang..bese r umah catering mmg r cmni..lepak dgn paez dr 8pm-11pm..bese r org pmpuan klu da jumpe..bgossip r..

aku tdo around 3am..mata x leh lelap..mum plak mum n the geng nga masak ntok makan beradab pengantin.. hidup aku ni mmg bkait2 dgn pgantin.nsi minyak.. buhsan lame2...

ntah r..k r mau cau..

nota tumit : letih

Sunday, March 8, 2009

sad sunday....


sunday.. sunyi.. same as eveyday this is my bored day..doin revision PP+HISTORY..anyway this tuesday de test..jammed la otak ni..

last test : last year..

hate test.hate exam.hate result.wth! hurm..prepared my self 4 being crazy in few hours from now.. text wit lela..bout! btambah tension la cik kak oi.. hurm..this friday muet test.mybe writing.. damn.hate this.. and i start writing in english..even broken.

usaha tangga kjayaan rite? ingt nk nek lift je tp gayat la. hurm td mkn+mkn+mkn dgn mum.. dye boring coz i asyik memerap je dlm blik.. of coz la mum.nextweek test.. if duk luar mmg ngadap tb je r.. xde mkne nk bukak bku blik.. this week mybe duk blik je..

lastnite mama c kepoh call.. swuh cari kn cd lgu2 pgantin.. hurm last minute works mmg cm2.. time ssh la cri i..hurmm.redha je r. c kepoh feverish.. xtaw r ngade2 or btol2.. ntah2 dmam p skewl.

lalala..take care ya!

anyway i mish my ex5p2..mish them really really much.. their laugh.their fight.their smile..mish them..dunno where r them..still looking..

hurm. :(guys where r u been?i mish u ols..


mish uols..really..mish them.x tipu.

nota tumit : erm.

Saturday, March 7, 2009



aq nk share APABILA aq dlm mood rajin yg tpakse. 14feb is our school sportsday. 2 week before 14feb mmg sgguh mmenatkn n mntensionkn. aq ngaku aq mmg mls. yg tahap gle gaban BUT ble aq de comitment yg MESTI aq wat mmg aq rajin.

4 example 2 week b4 sportsday ktowg (clasmate) kne 'ceriakn' claz yg buruk cm $#%#%. without 1cen pn pruntukkan.then yg mguruskn jadah2 2 aq gak. cat claz 3 ari bru ciap.almost $200 abez ntok wt cat-mgecat je. adoi.pnt gle.tnsion gle.yg clasmate aq sume xde cooperation. cam haram.adoi.

nextweeknye da start bz psl sportsday. aq yg xde kne mgena ni pn tbe2 kne tarik wt maskot.


aq yg xtaw pape psl maskot kne wat.adoi. then tny r spe2 yg 2 my sis.mem juju.miss anes dll. ni lah hasilnyer..


and this.


even cm burok tp im proud coz my maskot MENANG. haha *gelak setan* best gle ble BENDAHARA menang ari 2.kseluruhan beb. mmg best.last year nk join venture wt binatang jadah ni. even pnt gle vavi.

ni la muke2 hapy even de yg xwt kje.cikai3.


watever la. bnde dh jd pn kn.ku berserah.....lalalala experience 2 pnting n mgeratkn aq n dak2 sportscience.. okeh la 2. pe ag ekk..

nextweek de test!!!hate!..watever la.


nota tumit :sabar 2 la paling pnting dlm far aq leh lg jd to ME =)

Friday, March 6, 2009

gather 060309


sume sawan camera.


them da best.


baby them.god bless u girl.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

aku penat


almost 1 month x post any entry..damn bz. damn pnt.stdy.activities.bla..bla..hate diz situation.damn tired.seyes..damn hate all of diz.nextweek da test.10 march - 13 march..on my belated besday.hurmm.


on 10 march je paper leh cover.. 11-13march mmg hard paper..xtaw leh cover ke not ready yet.oh goshh!!mr nik da pressure2 dgn kate2 yg x mbntu 2..2 r ketegangan.

td de gather cket..hmm..hopefully sume td rmai xde.atlet2..arini upacara pnutupan kt stadium. hm.24,25,26 april g cameron..follow daerah.hery n sharen join skali. watever. then april gak de muet test.damn. 1 pe x prepare ag.mati2. klu dpt band 4 da kire ok da.xmo repeat.pkai duit 2.bkn $6 but $60. adoyai.mybe around 14march nk grak KL.mish c rest!!

nota tumit : pengsan
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